{This year I will collect the little moments} When Gavril was born I was really good about keeping a detailed journal of his first year. I wrote almost daily about what was happening in his life. Then I started my business and instead of taking time to reflect and record, I spent my time checking email and making orders. When Elodie was born it was even worse. The poor girl barely has a baby book.
So last night I decided to make a memory jar for each of my children and this year I plan to try and write something daily from their lives. I am slipping little pieces of paper into my giant mom wallet and I am going to take one minute during the day to write down something that they did or said and at the end of the day I am going to slip it into the jar. Of course I am not going to beat myself up if I skip a day and I would love it if my husband or the other caretakers in their lives slip a note in as well from time to time. That way we can record the little moments so at the end of the year we can pull those bits of paper out of the jars and have a record of these lives which change so fast. This is my resolution for the year, how about you?
I love this idea! It is so hard to keep up with baby books and such with so much going on from day to day. This seems totally achievable!
Thanks Faith, I just wish I had thought of it a year ago when Elodie was born! Oh well, better late than never ;)
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